Красные Волки — доклад по английскому языку 6 класс Red Wolf VERTEBRATES – VERTEBRATA
My story is about RED WOLF
My story, about the beautiful red wolf, which is listed in the Red Book as endangered species on earth. Red wolves are smaller, then their relative, the grey wolf, and have longer legs and shorter fur. Males are usually larger than females. The red wolf is active at night. They live in small packs that usually contain 3 members (father, mother and their offspring). But sometimes the pack could be larger. The breeding season begins in January and finishes in March. Their dens are located in dense woods or sometimes in the hollows of large trees. Mother usually gives birth from 3 to 6 cubs. Other members of the pack help to rear these pups. These wolves (offsprings) leave their natal pack between 15 to 20 months old. This wolf preys on mammals such as swamp rabbits, coypu, deer and raccoons and also they eat carrion. Red wolves formerly ranged throughout the southeastern USA. In the 20-th century the number of this species declined in the nature. And in 1980 17 wild Red wolves were brought to five-county area in northeastern Carolina. It was done to recover this species. This recovery was successful as in 2003 the population of this species in creased and numbered around 100 wolves in 20 family groups.
Red wolf biology Red wolves are smaller than their relative, the grey wolf (Canis lupus), and have longer legs and shorter fur. Males are typically larger than females .The red wolf is generally a crepuscular species, most active at dawn and dusk. It lives in discrete packs, which have an exclusive territory within their home range. A pack typically contains a breeding pair (who mate for life) and their offspring, although larger packs have been recorded.
The breeding season occurs between January and March, and dens are located amongst dense vegetation, in deep burrows between fields or in canal banks, or in the hollows of large trees. Litters contain an average of three to six pups, but may range up to eight pups. The breeding pair both rears the young with help from the other young members of the pack. Offspring typically disperse from their natal pack between 15 to 20 months old.
This wolf preys on mammals such as swamp rabbits, coypu, deer and raccoons, and is also reported to feed on carrion . Red wolves formerly ranged throughout the southeastern USA, from the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, north to the Ohio River Valley and central Pennsylvania, and west to central Texas and southeastern Missouri.
Zoologist Ronald Nowak believes red wolves historically occurred as far north as Maine in the northeastern USA. Following a massive decline during the 20th Century, the species was declared extinct in the wild in 1980 after the last 17 wild red wolves were taken into captivity to begin a captive breeding program. A highly successful recovery programm has since reintroduced the red wolf to a remote, five-county area of northeastern North Carolina, in and around the Alligator River, Mattamuskeet, and Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuges. As of 2003, the free-ranging red wolf population numbered around 100 individuals in 20 family groups.
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Вася.К. 6 класс 2013
Убежищами красным волкам обычно служат расщелины скал, пещеры и ниши в склонах; нор они не роют. Обладают развитым слухом, хорошо плавают и отлично прыгают — способны преодолеть в длину расстояние до 6 м. Людей красные волки избегают; в неволе размножаются, но не приручаются.
мне интиресно сколько уже таких работ сдано и все никто не выкупит или учителя знают и молчат. я скачал и сдал получил пять и еще всем в пример ставили, а потом узнал что в паралельном классе Витек тоже этот сдал и нам ничего не сказали
Нужно разместить перевод на русский язык, а то мне было тяжело докладывать а так мне блог твой нравится Вася
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